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Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery ›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (02): 254-260.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-976X.2020.02.024

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Current study and management of chronic total occlusion of the internal carotid artery


  1. 1. The Fourth Ward, Department of Neurosurgery|2. Department of ultrasonography, Huanhu Hospital, Tianjin 300350, China
  • Contact: YIN Long



  1. 天津市环湖医院1.神经外科四病区;2.超声科,天津 300350
  • 通讯作者: 尹龙

Abstract: [Abstract] There is a limited understanding on the treatment of chronic carotid artery chronic total occlusion (ICACTO) in clinical work. In this article we reviewed the studies including pathology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, imaging features and treatment of ICACTO. Cerebral vessels may form collateral circulation immediately or gradually following CTO of the ICA. The pathological of ICACTO include cerebral hypoperfusion, emboli detachment and cognitive dysfunction, which ultimately lead to a variety of outcomes. Therefore most ICACTO require treatment. The early studies of external-ICA bypass were unsatisfactory in treatment of ICACTO. Recently, recanalization is considered the only viable option. The current treatment indications mainly depend on the degree of injury to the cerebrovascular reserve and the extent to which the oxygen extraction fraction is increased. The length, height and duration of ICA occlusion are also relevant, though more frequently, the condition depends on multiple factors. Revascularization can be performed by intravascular intervention, carotid endarterectomy (CEA) or hybrid surgery for selected patients. With the development of biomaterials, the simple re-transmission success rate will gradually increase. However, hybrid surgery may be more representative of the current trend, as CEA can remove carotid atherosclerotic plaques and provide conditions for further endovascular intervention. If the revascularization successful, it is usually possible to improve the patient??s condition steadily in the long term. Although the existing research has yielded certain research results, further research and studies are needed to improve the current understanding of ICACTO.

Key words: pathophysiology, internal carotid artery, recanalization , chronic occlusion



马琳1, 刘保龙2, 尹龙1*

[摘要] 现阶段临床工作中对慢性颈内动脉闭塞(ICACTO)治疗的认识有限。本文通过对慢性颈内动脉闭塞的病理、发病机制、临床症状、影像学特征及治疗等进行总结,综述其相关的研究进展。在颈内动脉完全闭塞后脑组织内丰富的侧支血管开放并逐步形成侧支代偿。ICACTO的病理生理特点是脑灌注不足,栓子脱落和认知功能障碍,最后引起多种卒中不良事件的发生。因此大多数ICACTO病例需要治疗。最初采取颈外动脉-颈内动脉搭桥的方法并没有取得满意的治疗效果。近年来闭塞血管的再通被认为是唯一可行的治疗手段,术前需要评估脑血管储备和氧摄取分数,以及颈内动脉(ICA)闭塞的长度、节段和闭塞时间等等多种因素。对合适的患者可以通过血管内介入,颈动脉内膜切除术(CEA)或复合手术等方法进行血管再通。随着生物材料的发展,简单的再通成功率会逐渐提高。但是,CEA+血管内介入的复合手术应该更符合当前的趋势,因为CEA可以切除颅外段颈动脉粥样硬化斑块,为进一步的血管内介入性提供条件。如果再通成功,通常可以长期稳定地改善患者状况。尽管现有的研究已经得出了一定的研究成果,但仍需要进一步的研究和试验来提高当前对ICACTO的了解。

[关键词] 颈内动脉;慢性闭塞;病理生理;血管再通

1 前言

美国每年因颈内动脉(ICA)闭塞引起的缺血事件约 15 000~20 000[1],其发生率约为 0.06/‰,我国目前尽管没有明确的发病率统计数字,但估计的发病率很高[2]。一部分ICA闭塞是慢性的,但如何定义慢性ICA闭塞尚不明确,以往研究以临床和影像学资料将病程持续超过4周的闭塞称为慢性ICA闭塞。计算机断层扫描血管造影(CTA)可以区分慢性闭塞与急性闭塞,急性ICA闭塞在CTA表现为“颈动脉环征”(ICA中存在低密度和/或颈动脉壁内形成对比)[3]。心血管医学的另一项研究提出ICA慢性完全闭塞(CTO)的病程应为至少3个月,甚至可能超过6个月[4]


近年来,外科医生已通过血管再通(CEA和血管内治疗)来治疗ICACTO。由于这些技术相对不成熟,因此干预的风险通常大于收益,疗效不理想。近年来技术的发展和复合手术的出现为治疗ICACTO提供了新的选择,并且成功率逐渐提高[9]。尽管如此,关于ICACTO的治疗方法仍具有争议。因此,本报告回顾了2017年12月6日之前发布的可用文献。查阅PubMed和Web of Science数据库中“颈内动脉慢性闭塞”的相关研究和报道,经筛选后进行复习。本文旨在回顾文献并根据现有文献和个人经验总结目前对ICACTO的理解。

2 病理生理变化

2.1 自然病程

ICACTO的自然病程尚不明确,根据结果分为以下几类:①侧支代偿充分,脑血管储备(CVR)不会受到损害。ICACTO可以在没有临床症状的情况下保持稳定状态[10];闭塞的ICA被认为是“安全动脉”,它几乎不会引起任何症状。缺血事件的发生率较低,约为每年2%~8%[11];②在侧支代偿不够的情况下,CVR受影响。ICACTO可能导致脑组织闭塞侧出现新的持续性低灌注性梗塞(多见于大脑中动脉)。在这种情况下,缺血事件的风险可能高达每年30%[12];③在有效的侧支循环补偿的情况下,伴有狭窄的颈总动脉或外颈动脉的栓子,近端或远端ICA残端的栓子或患病的对侧动脉的栓子,最终进入侧支循环和脑灌注不足区域[13]。即使经过最佳药物治疗,患者仍存在患侧缺血事件反复发生的风险;④在极少数情况下,患者闭塞血管经过 3 个月后自行再通[14]。Morris-Stiff[18]曾报道这种自发性血管再通率约为10%,明显高于早期的研究(2.3%)[15]。这种自发性血管再通在增加血管闭塞侧血流量的同时也会增加缺血事件的发生[16]。风险增加的主要原因是病理性再通通常与颈动脉狭窄相关,这增加了栓子脱离的可能性,因此需要进一步治疗以防止再通后栓子脱落[17]

2.2 血流动力学改变




2.3 发病机制


3 临床表现






4 影像学特征



图1 MRI水成像、MRI灌注成像及CT灌注成像可用于评估脑组织血流灌注情况,DSA可用于评估颅内血管病变包括狭窄、闭塞、畸形等

图2 PETCT对CBF和CBV的评估[53]
CT成像(A),μ-成像(B),将μ-成像和C15O2PET成像后期处理后得到(C)和PET成像(D):(D)水平面(第1-3行)和矢状面(第4行)C15O,15O2和C15O2 PET的图像,用于评估大脑半球灌注和扩散情况




OEF评估:有研究认为是OEF是对ICACTO是否行血管再通手术最有必要的指征[51]。正电子发射断层扫描(PET)是测量 OEF[52]的金标准,当患侧/对侧OEF比率大于1.13则需要进行脑血管再通。此外CT灌注的平均通过时间是PET测量的OEF的最佳关联,因此也提供了一种有效的OEF测量方法[53]

5 手术治疗指征





6 治 疗






EC-IC 搭桥:ICACTO 可以按照 COSS[6,68]中的测试通过EC-IC搭桥进行治疗。但EC-IC搭桥通常将颞浅动脉连接到大脑中动脉,属于低流量搭桥,可能会存在血流量不足的情况[69]。同时与单纯药物治疗相比,EC-IC搭桥术加药物治疗并不能降低2年内患侧缺血性卒中的风险[6]。COSS中EC-IC搭桥失败的原因可能是未能选择缺血事件高风险的患者。


7 影响再通的因素



闭塞的长度和节段:ICACTO持续时间越长再通的成功率越低[74]。闭塞段较长会导致导丝难以穿过闭塞节段形成假内腔[75]。2016年,Chen等人[29]发现,闭塞段长于5 cm者(59.7%)再通成功率显著低于闭塞段短于5 cm者(73.7%)。闭塞节段远端位于ICA岩骨段、海绵窦段、床突段、眼动脉段及后交通段时再通成功率分别为93%、80%、73%、33%和29%。这表明ICA闭塞的位置越低,再通的成功率就越高。


8 预后


9 结论



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Current study and management of chronic total occlusion of the internal carotid artery

MA Lin,LIU Bao-long,YIN Long
1.The Fourth Ward,Department of Neurosurgery;2.Department of ultrasonography,Huanhu Hospital,Tianjin 300350,China

[Abstract] There is a limited understanding on the treatment of chronic carotid artery chronic total occlusion(ICACTO)in clinical work.In this article we reviewed the studies including pathology,pathogenesis,clinical symptoms,imaging features and treatment of ICACTO.Cerebral vessels may form collateral circulation immediately or gradually following CTO of the ICA.The pathological of ICACTO include cerebral hypoperfusion,emboli detachment and cognitive dysfunction,which ultimately lead to a variety of outcomes.Therefore most ICACTO require treatment.The early studies of external-ICA bypass were unsatisfactory in treatment of ICACTO.Recently,recanalization is considered the only viable option.The current treatment indications mainly depend on the degree of injury to the cerebrovascular reserve and the extent to which the oxygen extraction fraction is increased.The length,height and duration of ICA occlusion are also relevant, though more frequently, the condition depends on multiple factors.Revascularization can be performed by intravascular intervention,carotid endarterectomy(CEA)or hybrid surgery for selected patients.With the development of biomaterials,the simple re-transmission success rate will gradually increase.However,hybrid surgery may be more representative of the current trend,as CEA can remove carotid atherosclerotic plaques and provide conditions for further endovascular intervention.If the revascularization successful,it is usually possible to improve the patient"s condition steadily in the long term.Although the existing research has yielded certain research results,further research and studies are needed to improve the current understanding of ICACTO.

[Key words] internal carotid artery;chronic occlusion;pathophysiology;recanalization

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-976X.2020.02.024





Corresponding author:Yin Long,504626446@qq.com


关键词: 慢性闭塞, 血管再通, 颈内动脉, 病理生理

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