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Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery ›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (06): 729-731.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-976X.2020.06.009

• Original Articles and Clinical Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Application of ECMO in the treatment of tricuspid valve prolapse with atrial septal perforation caused by trauma: a case report

ZHENG Qian-wei, CHENJie, GAN Yu, CAO Wei-dong, GUO Su-xia, CAI Li-hua, SHEN Li-han   

  1. 1. Medical University of Guangdong, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524000,China;
    2. Department of Critical Care Medicine; 3. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery; 4. Department of Cardiology, People's Hospital of Dongguan, Dongguan, Guangdong 523059, China


郑倩伟1,2, 陈洁2, 甘宇2, 曹卫东3, 郭素峡4, 蔡立华2, 沈利汉2,*   

  1. 1.广东医科大学,广东湛江524000;
  • 通讯作者: *沈利汉,Email:shenlihan@hotmail.com
  • 基金资助:
    东莞市社会科技发展(重点)项目(201850715001 1645)

Abstract: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has shown unique advantages in the treatment of patients with severe cardiopulmonary failure, and it has been used more and more widely, but in emergency trauma patients, its application is limited because of the high risk of bleeding. Recently, our hospital successfully used ECMO to treat a critically ill patient with tricuspid valve prolapse complicated with atrial septal perforation caused by a car accident, and the prognosis is good. Now review the cases and summarize the experience and plan of diagnosis and treatment combined with the literature.

Key words: Hypoxemia, ECMO, Trauma

摘要: 体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)在救治严重心肺功能衰竭患者中已显示出独特优势,应用日益广泛,但在急诊创伤患者中,因出血风险大,限制其应用。近期,我院成功应用ECMO救治一例车祸致心脏三尖瓣脱垂合并房间隔穿孔的危重患者,预后良好,现回顾病例并结合文献总结诊疗经验及方案。

关键词: 体外膜肺氧合, 创伤, 低氧血症

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