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Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery ›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (01): 62-66.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-976X.2020.01.014

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Quantitative analysis of spine multifidus muscle in MRI technique in lumbar disc herniation


  1. Department of Radiology, Quanzhou First Hospital Affiliated to Fujian Medical University, Quanzhou, Fujian 362002, China
  • Contact: HUANG Yong-chu



  1. 福建医科大学附属泉州第一医院影像科,福建泉州 362002
  • 通讯作者: 黄永础

Abstract: [Abstract] Objective To investigate the composition of lumbar spine muscles in patients with lumbar disc herniation and neurological compression. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) qualitative and quantitative methods. Methods A total of 50 eligible patients were included. The signal intensity of the multifidus muscles on MRI was retrospectively measured by two radiologists, and the fat content of patients with unilateral articular lumbar disc herniation was visually graded using a 5-point grading system. The temporal and contralateral performance was compared and the relationship between fat content and the severity of nerve compression and duration of symptoms was assessed. Results In terms of quantitative measurements and qualitative scores, the signal intensity of the multi-cracked muscle on the affected side was significantly higher than that of the contralateral muscle. In the affected multi-cleft muscles, the degree of nerve compression was significantly correlated with duration of symptoms and fat content (P<0.05). Conclusion Compared with the contralateral side, lumbar disc herniation has a higher content of ipsilateral multifidus muscle fat. Visual grading of muscle components for fat infiltration seems to be as useful as quantitative measurements.

Key words: magnetic resonance imaging, lumbar disc herniation, multifidus, quantitative analysis



戴凯峰, 黄永础*, 蔡雅丽, 汪林, 林钱森

[摘要] 目的 探讨腰椎间盘突出症伴神经压迫患者腰椎多裂肌的组成,通过采用磁共振成像(MRI)的定性和定量测量方法进行磁图分析。方法 共纳入50例符合标准患者。由两位放射科医师回顾性测量所有患者多裂肌在MRI上的信号强度,并对单侧关节下腰椎间盘突出症患者的脂肪含量采用5点分级系统进行视觉分级。比较疝侧和对侧的表现,并评估了脂肪含量与神经压迫严重程度和症状持续时间的关系。结果 在定量测量和定性评分方面,受影响一侧的多裂肌肉的信号强度明显高于对侧肌肉。在受影响的多裂肌肉中,神经受压程度与症状持续时间、脂肪含量呈显著相关(P<0.05)。结论 与对侧相比,腰椎间盘突出症同侧多裂肌脂肪含量较高。关于脂肪浸润的肌肉成分的直观分级似乎和定量测量一样有用。

[关键词] 磁共振成像;腰椎间盘突出症;多裂肌;定量分析



1 临床资料与方法

1.1 研究人群





1.2 MRI图像获取

所有MRI图像获得均在同一台3.0 T12通道脊柱线圈(Magnetom Avanto;Siemens Medical Solu-tions,Erlangen,Germany)。腰椎MRI包括轴向T2加权像(重复时间[TR]:3370 ms;回波时间[TE]:116 ms;矩阵大小:208×320);矢状面 T2加权像(TR:3370 ms;TE:116ms;矩阵大小:208×320;切片厚度:4 mm,矢状位搅拌顺序(TR,1990 ms;TE,66 ms;反转时间,160 ms;翻转角度,150°;矩阵大小,208×320;切片厚度为4 mm)。所有患者均诊断为L4/L5或L5/S1单侧后外侧疝,引起神经压迫。椎间盘突出被定义为椎间盘突出物向正常椎间盘间隙外突出[18]。神经压迫的严重程度采用由Pfirrmann等人提出的基于MRI的神经压迫分级系统对进行分级[19]。分为:1级,疝与神经接触;2级,神经异常;3级,因疝压迫神经。以上椎棘突下端为标志,从L4/L5或L5/S1水平采集单片T2加权像,得到平行于肌肉平面的图像。然后将获得的图像进行保存,以供进一步评估。腰椎间盘突出症的诊断、第一个数据集的准备和突出症的分级由一位具有20年骨骼肌肉放射学经验的观察者完成。

然后由两名具有5年脊髓MRI经验的调查员评估患者影像资料,他们对症状持续时间和神经压迫的严重程度不知情。此外,通过下棘突获得的单片图像在很大程度上阻止了研究人员识别疝的一侧,这一因素在以前的研究中没有被提及。首先,两名调查员均接受相同时间的指导和训练,定性评估腰椎多裂肌脂肪。评分系统最初提出是使用计算机断层扫描对肩袖肌肉[20]。随着方法的改进后用于评估腰椎多裂肌。该系统由5个等级组成:0级,正常肌肉组织;1级,脂肪条纹;2级,存在明显的脂肪,但少于肌肉组织;3级,脂肪突出,相当于肌肉;4级,大量脂肪超过肌肉组织。在训练期间,两位研究人员评估了这些图像,并自我评估了彼此之间的沟通技巧,以增强测量的一致性。研究人员使用 Image J成像软件(1.43版,National Insti-tutes of Health,Bethesda,MD,USA)在 L4/L5或L5/S1水平对多裂肌进行分级。

经过培训后,研究人员将独立评估这些患者图像的等级。在第一阶段中,使用定性评分系统对图像进行定性分级和评分,然后在下一阶段中,以随机顺序对图像进行重新评估以进行定量测量。为了进行定量测量,研究人员手动以L4/L5或L5/S1水平绘制了腰部多裂肌的边界,并使用Im-ageJ成像软件计算信号强度,其中较高的信号强度等于腰椎内部的更多脂肪。研究人员还在同侧腰大肌上绘制了10 mm的感兴趣区域(ROI),并如前所述计算了多纤维信号强度与腰大肌的比值[23]。对于定量测量,研究人员计算了每个ROI的平均信号值。图1显示了代表性患者的肌肉划分示意图。

1.3 统计学分析

采用SPSS 23.0进行统计分析。定量资料采用平均值±标准差进行统计描述。定量资料符合正态性和方差齐性,统计差异性比较用t检验,Wil-coxon的符号秩检验用于评估多裂肌的定性视觉分级评分。检验水准α定为0.05。

图1 男性55岁,36个月腰背痛和右下肢神经根病史的代表性MRI左图

矢状T2加权图像显示右后外侧突出压迫右L5神经;右图初始观察者使用平行线穿过L4下部棘突(a中绿线所示)创建轴向图像,两名独立的研究人员手动分割腰部多裂肌,并将直径为10 mm的圆形感兴趣区域(ROI)放置在轴向图像上的腰肌上。通过分级标准评定:病变侧脂肪多(绿色ROI)分级为3,而对侧肌肉(蓝色ROI)分级为1

2 结果

2.1 患者的一般临床资料分析


2.2 患者多裂肌在MRI上定性及定量分析


表1 所有纳入患者的一般临床资料的分析


表2 单侧腰椎间盘突出症患者多裂肌定量信号强度和视觉定性分级评分

注:OB1/OB2,观察者 1(observer 1)/观察者 2(observer 2)

变量(OB1/OB2)定量测量多裂肌信号强度腰大肌信号强度多裂肌:腰大肌定性测量/例0级1级2级3级4级患侧 健侧P值57.88±11.22/59.61±11.65 31.63±1.10/31.68±1.17 1.83±0.36/1.89±0.36 42.53±5.5/43.41±6.75 31.57±1.12/31.11±1.24 1.35±0.16/1.37±0.23<0.000 0.138<0.001 3(6.0%)/5(10.0%)10(20.0%)/7(14.0%)5(10.0%)/(6(12.0%)12(24.0%)/15(30.0%)16(32.0%)/14(28.0%)25(50%)/20(40.0%)15(30.0%)/18(36.0%)10(20.0%)/7(14.0%)<0.001 0.065 0.057- -

2.3 患者多裂肌与腰大肌的比值与各临床症状之间的分析


表3 各临床症状之间与多裂肌与腰大肌的信号强度比值分析

r值年龄神经压迫程度症状持续时间多裂肌信号强度0.32 0.835 0.657腰大肌信号强度0.41 0.875 0.700 P值<0.002<0.001<0.001

3 讨论


基于Hodges等[26]研究的理论基础上,我们进一步探索了与腰椎间盘突出症相关的神经根压迫与腰间多裂肌脂肪浸润之间的潜在关联,与目前的结果相一致。一项测量多裂肌信号强度的研究表明,与L4/L5突出和腿部疼痛症状一致的患者,多裂肌的脂肪含量与突出水平相同,且在同一侧[10]。但是,在这项研究中,肌肉的结构变化在同一侧上很明显,但在突出点以下的一个水平上[17]。据报道,使用一种更直接的半定量测量方法,涉及到肌肉与椎板的距离,在与突出侧和水平上增加,并且肌肉到椎板的距离增加与脂肪萎缩有关[12]。但是,与目前的发现相反,脂肪浸润增加与症状持续时间之间没有关联,这些发表的研究均发现脂肪浸润或脂肪浸润增加以及神经压迫的严重性[12,17]。与目前的结果一致,Wan 等[27]和 Kim等[7]发现腰椎间盘突出症患者的症状持续时间与多裂肌萎缩呈负相关。尽管Wan等[27]的研究重点是评估腰背痛而不是椎间盘突出症,但作者指出,症状持续时间与脂肪浸润以及肌肉萎缩密切相关。





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Quantitative analysis of spine multifidus muscle in MRI technique in lumbar disc herniation

DAI Kai-feng,HUANG Yong-chu,CAI Ya-li,WANG Lin,LIN Qian-sen
Department of Radiology,Quanzhou First Hospital Affiliated to Fujian Medical University,Quanzhou,Fujian 362002,China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the composition of lumbar spine muscles in patients with lum-bar disc herniation and neurological compression.Magnetic resonance imaging was performed by magnet-ic resonance imaging(MRI)qualitative and quantitative methods.Methods A total of 50 eligible pa-tients were included.The signal intensity of the multifidus muscles on MRI was retrospectively measured by two radiologists,and the fat content of patients with unilateral articular lumbar disc herniation was vi-sually graded using a 5-point grading system.The temporal and contralateral performance was compared and the relationship between fat content and the severity of nerve compression and duration of symptoms was assessed.Results In terms of quantitative measurements and qualitative scores,the signal intensity of the multi-cracked muscle on the affected side was significantly higher than that of the contralateral muscle.In the affected multi-cleft muscles,the degree of nerve compression was significantly correlated with duration of symptoms and fat content(P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with the contralateral side,lumbar disc herniation has a higher content of ipsilateral multifidus muscle fat.Visual grading of muscle components for fat infiltration seems to be as useful as quantitative measurements.

[Key words] magnetic resonance imaging;lumbar disc herniation;multifidus;quantitative analysis






Corresponding author:HUANG Yong-chu,huangyc79319@163.com


关键词: 腰椎间盘突出症, 磁共振成像, 多裂肌, 定量分析

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