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Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery ›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (01): 8-11.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-976X.2020.01.002

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The application of pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction combined with transanal drainage in prevention of anastomotic leakage after laparoscopic rectal cancer anterior resection


  1. Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou 510630, China
  • Contact: gongjin51@gmail.com



  1. 暨南大学附属第一医院胃肠外科,广州 510630
  • 通讯作者: 龚瑾

Abstract: [Abstract] Objective To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction combined with anal canal drainage in the prevention of anastomotic leakage after laparoscopic low rectal cancer anterior resection. Methods A total of 137 patients who underwent laparoscopic low rectal anterior resection in the first affiliated hospital of Jinan University from Jan 2013 to Dec 2017 was retrospective analyzed. After radical resection of the tumor, the pelvic floor was reconstructed with suture retraction. Next, the anastomosis was placed by suture line and the peritoneal drainage tube, and the anal canal was placed through the anus. Results The total 137 cases were successful in the laparoscopic rectal cancer anterior resection and there were no perioperative deaths. Nine patients had anastomotic leakage after operation, and the incidence rate was 6.57%. 8 patients were cured though full drainage. One patient was recovered from pelvic infection and septic shock again after ileal endostomy. Conclusion The pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction combined with anal canal drainage in laparoscopic anterior resection of middle and low rectal cancer can effectively prevent postoperative anastomotic leakage, and it is effective and feasible in clinical application.

Key words: rectal neoplasm, anastomotic leakage, pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction, anal canal drainage



罗迦耀, 方祀福, 赖建勤, 张迪, 黄华平, 陈程, 叶伟恒, 龚瑾

[摘要] 目的 探讨盆底腹膜重建联合肛管引流在预防腹腔镜中低位直肠癌前切除术后吻合口漏的可行性及有效性。方法 回顾性分析2013年1月至2017年12月期间,137例在我院接受腹腔镜中低位直肠癌前切除术患者的临床资料,根治性切除肿瘤后用可吸收线连续缝合重建盆底腹膜,经腹膜外置入引流管于吻合口旁,并经肛门留置肛管引流管。结果 137例手术均成功,无围手术期死亡病例。9例术后出现吻合口漏,发生率为6.57%,8例经过充分引流保守治疗后痊愈,1例因盆腔感染并感染性休克再次行回肠末端造口后痊愈。结论 盆底腹膜的关闭并肛管引流使吻合口周围形成相对闭合负压状态,使吻合口与周围盆壁软组织增加黏连接触机会,从而减少吻合愈合时间并且肛管引流使得吻合口减压充分,使得吻合口漏的发生机会减少。腹腔镜中低位直肠癌前切除术后盆底腹膜重建联合肛管引流可有效的预防术后吻合口漏发生,在临床上应用是有效可行的。

[关键词] 直肠肿瘤;吻合口漏;盆底腹膜重建;肛管引流

全系膜切除(total mesorectal excicion,TME)的标准手术方式提出和直肠双吻合技术(double sta-pling technique,DST)的广泛应用,使得中低位直肠残端吻合位置可以更低。由于括约肌保留率的提高,对低位前切除术(low anterior resection,LAR)术后吻合口漏(anastomotic Leakage,AL)的关注程度不断提高,降低吻合口漏也是中低位直肠癌保肛术后康复的关键,但目前尚没有找到预防AL的理想方法。已经报道了几种AL的危险因素,但尚不清楚预防AL的原因和理想方法。近些年来的报道显示,吻合口部的压力降低对于预防AL非常重要,而使用经肛门引流管(TDT)可以降低直肠压力[1-6]。为此,我院采用盆底腹膜重建联合肛管引流来预防直肠癌术后吻合口漏的发生,其临床疗效报道如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

回顾性分析2013年1月至2017年12月在我院就诊的137例中低位直肠癌患者手术资料,男性 74例,女性 63例;年龄 35~81岁,(56.8±8.3)岁。所有患者均行肠镜检查,病理证实均为直肠癌。并行CT和或MIR检查,明确肿瘤有无侵犯临近脏器及远处转移。术前检查提示:肿瘤均为中下段(肿瘤距肛齿状线4~10 cm),平均(5.38±1.21)cm肿瘤直径2.1~7.3 cm,平均(5.49±0.64)cm,其中4例瘤体较大患者采取四次mFOLFOX6方案的新辅助化疗,未行放疗,瘤体较前缩小后手术。所有患者按常规围手术期行术前准备,无明显手术禁忌症后均行腹腔镜中低位直肠癌前切除术,2例加行腹腔镜肝左叶转移瘤一期切除术。术中行盆底腹膜重建并经腹膜外置入双套管至骶前吻合口旁,同时在术者腔镜指引下经肛置入肛管引流管,术后根据引流液性状,待患者肛门排气/排便恢复后1~4天拔除肛管,平均(2.47±0.45)天。

1.2 手术方法

患者全身麻醉,取改良截石位,常规消毒铺巾。严格遵循TME手术的原则,在腹腔镜下采用直肠后方入路、两侧包抄、前方会师的路径分离直肠周围间隙,锐性分离直肠后间隙至直肠骶骨筋膜,视肿瘤病变位置的高低可继续向尾侧分离至肛提肌上间隙,游离直肠及系膜,于肿瘤远端3~5 cm处裸化肠管,使用腔镜下直线型切割闭合器离断直肠,经肛门用碘伏冲洗直肠下段,注入30 mL碘伏观察残端有无渗漏。29-33号管状吻合器自肛门进入与近端结肠行端端吻合。吻合后盆腔内注水,并经肛门注入空气,无气泡,确定吻合口无漏(图1)。经腹膜外放置双套管引流管于骶前直肠吻合口旁,由下腹引出,用丝线将引流管固定于腹壁(图3)。同时,在腹腔镜直视,术者的指引下,在直肠肠腔内放置留有侧孔的22-28号橡胶引流管,其上端超过吻合口(5~8 cm),肛旁皮肤固定,术后接引流袋引流。气腹压降到8 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),用不可吸收的3-0普理灵缝线从膀胱直肠陷窝或子宫直肠陷窝开始连续缝合重建盆底腹膜(图2、4、5)。

1.3 吻合口漏的诊断


2 结果

137例手术均顺利,无中转开腹,无一例死亡,术中出血量约35~120 mL;术后病理结果全部符合直肠癌,两端切缘病理均阴性。术后吻合口漏发生9例,男性6,女性3例,吻合口漏发生率为6.57%,1例男性术后第7天出现吻合口漏,因感染性腹膜炎并感染性休克再次行回肠末端造口,8例经充分引流、经双套管盆腔冲洗、肠外营养、维持水电解质酸碱平衡和加强抗感染等保守治疗后痊愈。出院后随访3~12个月,平均(7.7±3.3)月,术后复查肠镜、全腹CT等,均未见吻合口狭窄、肿瘤复发及远处转移。

3 讨论

图1 盆底注水测漏

图2 倒刺线连续缝合重建盆底腹膜

图3 经腹膜外建立骶前吻合口旁引流管通道

图4 经腹膜外置入引流管并关闭盆底腹膜

图5 术后盆底腹膜重建效果


吻合口漏的发生与很多因素有关,包括个体相关因素、疾病相关因素、手术相关因素及术后相关因素[11,12]。个体因素有:性别、肥胖、营养状况、美国麻醉医师协会(American Society of Anesthesi-ologists,ASA)分级,而III-V级ASA是吻合口漏的独立危险因素[13]。疾病相关因素:肿瘤的位置、肿瘤大小、术前新辅助治疗、疾病合并其他病发症。手术相关因素:腹腔镜手术、吻合口血供、吻合口张力、预防性造口、其他相关术中因素。术后因素:术后肠道梗阻、心肺/肾功能衰竭、切口感染、深静脉血栓形成等[14]


另外,中低位直肠癌前切除术后吻合口位置较低,而术后直肠腔内压力随肠道功能的恢复和肛门括约肌收缩力的恢复而逐渐增加,吻合口越低,肠腔内压力越大,发生吻合口漏的概率就增加。研究表明,距肛缘<5 cm的低位吻合口漏的发生率为11.6%,显著高于高位吻合口漏的发生率[17]。术后肠内容下排至吻合口周围时,受术中扩肛的影响,只有直肠内积聚足够多且达到一定的肠内压时,才能引起排便反射,而这样的肠内压过高则容易增加吻合口漏的风险[18]。目前有些研究中心提倡术后预防性造口,以减轻吻合口周围压力。但有研究表明,预防性造口并不降低吻合口漏的发生率[19]。术后留置肛管引流可以及时引出肠内容物,降低肠腔内压力,减轻吻合口张力,对吻合口漏起到一定程度的预防作用[20,21],从而降低二次手术的风险。



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The application of pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction combined with transanal drainage in prevention of anastomotic leakage after laparoscopic rectal cancer anterior resection

LUO Jia-yao,FANG Si-fu,LAI Jian-qin,ZHANG Di,HUANG Hua-ping,CHEN Cheng,YE Wei-heng,GONG Jin
Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery,The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University,Guangzhou 510630,China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction combined with anal canal drainage in the prevention of anastomotic leakage after laparoscopic low rectal cancer anterior resection.Methods A total of 137 patients who underwent laparoscopic low rectal anterior resection in the first affiliated hospital of Jinan University from Jan 2013 to Dec 2017 was retrospective analyzed.After radical resection of the tumor,the pelvic floor was reconstructed with suture retraction.Next,the anastomosis was placed by suture line and the peritoneal drainage tube,and the anal canal was placed through the anus.Results The total 137 cases were successful in the laparoscopic rectal cancer anterior resection and there were no perioperative deaths.Nine patients had anastomotic leakage after operation,and the incidence rate was 6.57%.8 patients were cured though full drainage.One patient was recovered from pelvic infection and septic shock again after ileal endostomy.Conclusion The pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction combined with anal canal drainage in laparoscopic anterior resection of middle and low rectal cancer can effectively prevent postoperative anastomotic leakage,and it is effective and feasible in clinical application.

[Key words] rectal neoplasm;anastomotic leakage;pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction;anal canal drainage






Corresponding author:GONG Jin,gongjin51@gmail.com


关键词: 盆底腹膜重建, 肛管引流, 直肠肿瘤, 吻合口漏

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