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Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery ›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (04): 416-419.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-976X.2017.04.010

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The postoperative abdominal fatigue monitoring based on the combination of subjective sensory fatigue assessment and objective measurement

CHEN Hongyan, HUANG Liecheng, QIN You   

  • Contact: QIN You


陈经宝 林展宏 庞凤舜 陈红燕 黄烈城 秦有   

  1. 广东省中医院
  • 通讯作者: 秦有
  • 基金资助:



Objective To investigate the postoperative abdominal fatigue monitoring based on the combination of subjective sensory fatigue assessment and objective measurement. Methods VAS and ICFS were used to investigate the patients who underwent four-stage abdominal surgery from September 2016 to February 2017 in Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine. At the same time, measuring blood samples, superior hand strength and BMI. Comprehensive evaluation Methods which based on the perioperative fatigue rating scale, combination of objective and objective indicators of postoperative fatigue evaluation. Results ICFS combined with CRP, SOD, PA, superior hand strength can be convenient, fast, economical and efficient detection of postoperative fatigue. Conclusion The discriminant function based on the combination of subjective and objective indicators can be used to carry out economic, efficient and objective monitoring of postoperative fatigue, and to minimize the errors caused by subjective judgment.

Key words: ICFS, postoperative fatigue, abdominal surgery


目的 研究基于主观感觉疲劳评估量表和客观测量指标变化相结合的腹部术后疲劳监测调查情况。方法 采用量表调查形式,使用VASICFS,对20169月至20172月于广东省中医院外科行四级腹部手术的患者进行调查评估;同时进行血液标本、优势手握力、BMI测定,综合评测以围手术期疲劳评测量表为基础,主、客观指标相结合的术后疲劳评价方法 结果 ICFSCRPSODPA、优势手握力结合可以方便、快捷、经济、高效地检测术后患者的疲劳。结论 采用基于主客观指标相结合的检测方法 建立的判别函数能够对术后疲劳进行经济、高效、客观的监测,最大限度地减少全凭主观判断所造成的误差。

关键词: 围手术期疲劳评测量表, 术后疲劳, 腹部手术

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