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Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery ›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (04): 455-457.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-976X.2014.04.029

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Value of exposing the recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery and the methods to prevent the nerve injury

Chen Ming, Wu Zhiyang, Lu Deguang, Zeng Jintao, Chen Xiangqing, Li Gang   


陈明 吴志扬 卢德光 曾锦涛 陈向清 李刚   

  1. 肇庆市中医院普外科
  • 通讯作者: 陈明

Abstract: 【Abstract】〓Objective〓To investigate the significance of exposing the recurrent laryngeal nerve in the operation of thyroid gland and the methods to prevent the nerve injury. Methods〓The clinical data of 336 cases undergoing operation of thyroid gland were analyzed retrospectively..And the incidence of injury of recurrent laryngeal nerve was compared between the patients in recurrent laryngeal nerve exposure group (n=205) and those in non exposure group (n=131) through the postoperative laryngeal recurrent nerve injury judgment standard. Results〓Of 205 cases in recurrent laryngeal nerve exposure group, there were 2 cases (0.98%) of temporary hoarseness and restored in 3 month with conserving treatment. However, there were 6 cases (4.58%) of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in non exposure group,4 cases with temporary injury of recurrent nerve and 2 cases with permanent damage (P<0.05, vs. recurrent nerve exposure group). Conclusion〓Exposure to recurrent laryngeal nerve intra-operation can reduce and prevent nerve injury in the thyroidectomy.

Key words: Thyroid surgery, Recurrent laryngeal nerve, Injury

摘要: 【摘要】〓目的〓探讨常规显露喉返神经在甲状腺手术中的应用价值以及预防其损伤的对策。方法〓回顾性分析本科近5年来336例在初次行甲状腺手术患者的临床资料,根据术中是否显露喉返神经将其分为显露喉返神经组205例和未显露喉返神经组131例。根据喉返神经损伤的判断标准,比较两组患者术后喉返神经损伤情况。结果〓显露喉返神经组205例中有2例(0.98%)出现暂时性声音嘶哑,1个月未经特殊处理后声音恢复,无永久性损伤病例。未显露喉返神经组131例中有6例(4.58%)出现喉返神经损伤,其中4例为暂时性损伤,2例为永久性损伤。组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论〓在甲状腺手术中规范化显露并保护喉返神经可有效预防与减少喉返神经的损伤。

关键词: 甲状腺手术, 喉返神经, 损伤

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