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Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery ›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (04): 398-403.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-976X.2014.04.013

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Study of pathological lesions in kidneys of fetal lambs with unilateral partial ureteral obstruction

Wang Fenghua, Liu Wei, Liang Jianhua, Sun Junjie, Mo Jiacong   



  1. 1. 广州市妇女儿童医疗中心
    2. 中山大学附一院
  • 通讯作者: 莫家骢

Abstract: 【Abstract】〓Objective〓To explore the dynamic changes of pathological lesions in the fetal kidney when the ureter was obstructed..Methods〓A silastic tube was tied around the left superior segment ureter to induce unilateral partial ureteral obstruction in fetal lambs at 75-85 days of gestation..In different postoperative stages,.the kidneys of the fetal lambs were removed to study the changes in gross and histology,and the expression of paired-box 2.(PAX2).and vascular endothelial growth factor.(VEGF).wene detected by immunohistochemistry assay..Results〓In the obstructed kidneys,.we observed thinner renal cortex,.cysts of various sizes in the cortex,.fibrosis in the interstitial tissue,.much decreased number of glomeruli,.markedly increased PAX2 and decreased VEGF expressions. Conclusion〓In fetal lambs, when the ureter was obstructed, after the homolateral kidney gains markedly pathological changes.

Key words: Fetal lamb, Ureteral obstruction, Pathological changes, PAX2, VEGF

摘要: 【摘要】〓目的〓探讨胎儿期发生单侧输尿管梗阻后,梗阻侧肾脏的病理变化过程。方法〓对孕75~85天的胎羊实行手术造成其单侧输尿管不完全性梗阻,在术后不同时期,取双侧肾脏(对侧肾脏作为对照),进行大体标本、组织学和分子学(PAX2和VEGF的表达)的检测。结果〓梗阻侧肾脏,表现为皮质变薄,皮质囊性改变、间质纤维化、肾小球数目减少;PAX2表达显著升高,而VEGF表达明显减少。结论〓在胎羊模型中,输尿管发生梗阻后,梗阻侧肾脏随之而来发生明显的病理变化。

关键词: 胎羊, 输尿管梗阻, 病理变化, PAX2, VEGF

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