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Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery ›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (04): 353-357.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-976X.2014.04.001

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Diagnostic value of non-hepatocellular carcinoma focal Liver lesions by contrast-enhanced ultrasound

Yan Yanqiong, Xie Xiaoyan, Zheng Rongqin, Li Anhua, Luo Baoming   


严燕琼 谢晓燕 郑荣琴 李安华 罗葆明   

  1. 佛山市顺德区乐从医院超声科
  • 通讯作者: 罗葆明


【Abstract】〓Objective〓To explore the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in diagnosis of non-hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).focal liver lesion.(FLL)..Methods〓CEUS characterizations of 1753 cases with non-HCC FLL were retrospectively analyzed. All cases were compared to the gold standard and collected from four hospitals..The diagnostic value of CEUS differentiating non-HCC FLL was evaluated between benign and malignant tumor, and different type of lesion were evaluated. Results〓In 1753 non-HCC FLL,.1318 cases were benign lesions,.of which 92.94% (1225/1318) benign lesions were diagnosed correctly by CEUS; 435 cases were malignant lesions,of which 88.74%(386/435).malignant lesions were diagnosed correctly by CEUS..The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy rate, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of CEUS were 88.74% (386/435),.92.94% (1225/1318), 91.90% (1611/1753), 80.58% (386/479), 96.15% (1225/1274), respectively..The CEUS diagnosis was correct in 97.41% of hemangiomas (640/657), in 96.43% focal fatty sparings and deposits (216/224), in 84.81% of metastatic liver cancer (268/316), 85.55% of focal nodular hyperplasia (225/263), 58.82% of inflammatory lesions (40/68),.57.14% of regenerative nodule (28/49) and 12.50% of dysplastic nodule (2/16). Conclusion〓CEUS is more reliable in differentiating between benign and malignant non-HCC FLL, but qualitative diagnosis accuracy of lesions type needs to be improved.

Key words: Non-hepatocellular carcinoma focal liver lesions, Contrast-enhanced ultrasound, Diagnostic value


【摘要】〓目的〓探讨超声造影(CEUS)对非肝细胞癌肝脏局灶性病变的诊断价值。方法〓对1753例行CEUS的非肝细胞癌肝脏局灶性病变患者的超声造影进行回顾分析,将超声造影结果与诊断金标准对比,评价CEUS对非肝细胞癌肝脏局灶性病变良恶性及病灶类型区分的诊断价值。结果〓1753病例中,良性病灶1318个、CEUS正确诊断92.94%(1225/1318);恶性病灶435个,CEUS正确诊断88.74%(386/435);CEUS对非肝细胞癌肝脏局灶性恶性病变诊断的敏感度为88.74%(386/435),特异度为92.94%(1225/1318),准确率为91.90%(1611/1753),阳性预测值为80.58.7%(386/479),阴性预测值为96.15%(1225/1274)。CEUS对不同病灶病理类型诊断的准确率:血管瘤97.41%(640/657)、局灶性脂肪变96.43%(216/224)、MLC 84.81%(268/316)、FNH 85.55%(225/263)、炎性病变(包括肝脓肿)58.82%(40/68)、RN 57.14%(28/49)、DN 12.50%(2/16)。结论〓CEUS对非肝细胞癌肝脏局灶性病变的良恶性鉴别诊断有较高的价值,但对病种类型的定性诊断准确率有待提高。

关键词: 非肝细胞癌肝脏局灶性病变, 超声造影, 诊断价值

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