
岭南现代临床外科 ›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (03): 310-318.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009?976X.2017.03.014

• 论著与临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄进林 伍志辉 严伟华   

  1. 广东省广州市南方医科大学
  • 通讯作者: 黄进林

Application of harmonic scalpel in open small incision thyroidectomy and the effect on postoperative traumatic stress reactions, calcium metabolism and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury

HUANG Jinlin,WU Zhihui,YAN Weihua.   

  1. Department of General Surgery,Shunde People′ s Hospital, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 528300,China.
  • Online:2017-06-20 Published:2017-06-20


目的 探讨超声刀在开放小切口甲状腺切除术中应用疗效并观察术后患者创应激反应血清钙离子水平及喉返神RLN损伤情况。方法 以我院进行甲状腺切除术患80例为研究对象根据患者则术式不同分为观察组与对照对照40予以传统甲状腺除术观察40予以超声刀小切口甲状腺切除。比较两组手术时间术中出血量术后引流量等手术情况并检测两组术前术后3d白细胞计WBCC反应蛋CRP降钙素原procalcitionPCT等术后创伤应激水平监测喉返神经损伤程度及血钙变化情结果 组手术时间术中出血量及术后引流量等手术情况均明显优于对照差异均显P<0.05两组WBCCRPPCT等创伤应激指标较术前均显著升且对照组上升幅度均明显高于观察异显P<0.05对照组低血钙发生42.5明显高于观察20.0%组间差异显P<0.05对照组暂时RLNI17.5%明显高于观察5.0%结论 超声刀在开放性小切口甲状腺切除中可有效降低术后创伤应激反减少钙代谢紊乱及喉返神经损且手术时间短出血量少手术效果显著

关键词: 创伤应激反应, 钙代谢, 喉返神经损伤 , 超声刀, 甲状腺切除术


 Objective To investigate the effect of harmonic scalpel in open small incision thy-roidectomy, and observe the postoperative stress reactions, serum calcium level and recurrent laryngeal nerve injuryRLNI. Methods Eighty cases of patients undergoing thyroidectomy in our hospital were enrolled in the study. According to different surgical Methods, the patients were divided into the observation group and the control group. The control groupn=40were treated by conventional thyroidectomy, while the observation groupn=40were treated through a small incision for thyroidectomy and harmonic scalpel was used during the operation in observation group. The operation time, intraoperative blood loss and postoperative drainage volume were compared between the two groups. The levels of white blood cell countWBC, C reactive proteinCRP, procalcitionPCTwere detected before operation and 3 days after operation. The degree of RLNI and changes of blood calcium were monitored. Results The operation time, intraoperative blood loss and postoperative drainage volume in the observation group were significantly less than those in the control group all P values <0.05. WBC, CRP, PCT levels were increased significantly in two groups, and the increase was more significant in the control group than in the observation group all P values <0.05. The incidence rates of hypocalcemia and transient RLNI were significantly higher in the control group than the observation group 42.5% and 20.0% vs 17.5% and 5.0%)(all P values <0.05. Conclusion There is an obvious superiority of harmonic scalpel in open small?incision thyroidectomy than conventional thyroidectomysuch as shorter operation timeless blood loss, lower traumatic reactions after operation, and less serum calcium disorder and RLNI.

Key words: harmonic scalpel, traumatic stress reactions, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, calcium metabolism, thyroidectomy
