
岭南现代临床外科 ›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (03): 366-369.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-976X.2016.03.034

• 外科教学 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘艳琳 吴琛 郑大会 武迪德 刘延晴 杨冬梓 赵晓苗   

  1. 中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院
  • 通讯作者: 赵晓苗

Investigation and analysis on summer scientific research program in medical undergraduates

LIU Yanling, WU Chen, ZHENG Dahui, WU Dide, Liu Yanjing, YANG Dongzi, ZHAO Xiaomiao   

  • Online:2016-06-20 Published:2016-06-20
  • Contact: ZHAO Xiaomiao

摘要: 【摘要】 目的 探讨医学本科生暑期科研开展现状及影响因素。方法〓通过对参与过暑期研的医学本科生进行网络问卷及现场问卷调查。结果〓校方在暑期科研的前期准备中,关注开展多种形式的培养能力的活动,导师在科研指导过程中,需更加尽职尽责。结论〓从学生角度调查来看,现行的医学本科生暑期科研活动在校方管理、导师方面均需有所改善。 【关键词】〓暑期科研;医学本科生;调查与分析

关键词: 医学本科生, 调查与分析, 暑期科研

Abstract: 【Abstracrt】 Objective To investigate the current status and impact factors of medical undergraduates on summer scientific program. Methods〓A combination of the on-line questionnaire and on-site questionnaire was adopted among those who have took part in the summer scientific program. Results〓As for the school officials, they need to pay more attention to develop kinds of activities to foster abilities in the preparation of the program. And for tutors, they should fulfill their responsibilities in the scientific guidance work. Conclusion〓In the view of medical undergraduates, both the school officials and tutor do indeed need to improve in the summer scientific research program of medical undergraduates.

Key words: Summer scientific program, Investigation and analysis , Medical undergraduates
