
岭南现代临床外科 ›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (04): 473-476.DOI: j.issn.1009-976X.2014.04.034

• 论著与临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


汪新 黄铁熬 孙敬   

  1. 苏州市明基医院急诊外科
  • 通讯作者: 汪新

Diagnosis and surgical treatment of traumatic pancreatic injury

  • Received:2013-07-25 Revised:2014-07-08 Online:2014-08-20 Published:2014-08-20

摘要: 【摘要】〓目的〓探讨胰腺损伤的诊断及外科治疗。方法〓回顾分析经临床诊疗和手术证实为钝性胰腺损伤(13例)患者CT表现和治疗结果。结果〓13例患者中,胰腺挫伤4例,挫裂伤9例,其中胰腺横断伤1例;均伴有胰周被膜、肾前筋膜增厚,胰腺周围脂肪间隙模糊及积液;2例伴假囊肿形成。合并伤包括脾挫裂伤5例,肝挫裂伤6例,肾挫裂伤3例。12例痊愈,1例死亡,3例术后6月假性囊肿形成。结论〓腹部CT检查对胰腺损伤的早期诊断及治疗具有非常重要的价值。

关键词: 胰腺损伤, CT诊断, 外科治疗

Abstract: 【Abstract】〓Objective〓To summarize up the clinical diagnosis and surgical treatment of traumatic pancreas injury. Methods〓Thirteen patients with pancreatic blunt injury were admitted in our hospital from Aug. 2009 to Feb. 2012,and the clinical data were analyzed retrospectively. Results Among 13 cases, pancreatic contusion occurred in 4 patients, pancreatic contusion and laceration in 9, in which pancreatic transection lesion was in 1 and pancreatic pseudocyst in 2. CT imaging findings showed in all the patients the thickening of pancreatic and renal facial and blurry parapancreatic fat rim and hydrops..Associated lesions included splenic rupture in 6 cases,.liver contusion and laceration in 5 cases,kidney contusion and laceration in 3 cases..Twelve cases got recovery..One case died of MODS..Three cases underwent second operation due to pancreatic pseudocyst in 6 months after operation. Conclusion〓CT is an effective tool in the early diagnosis of blunt pancreatic injury.

Key words: Pancreas injury, CT imaging, Surgical treatment
